Youth Ministry
Investing in young followers of Christ
We have several opportunities for youth (7th-12th grades) to fellowship, learn, and grow together as followers of Jesus.
Sunday Morning Catechesis
During the Catechesis Hour (9:30-10:30 am) on Sunday mornings, youth gather in the upstairs corner room for a Bible Study led by Steve and Jean Watters. This year, they are studying the Gospel according to Matthew.
Sunday Evening Youth Group
Our youth gather on Sunday evenings from 6:30-8:00 pm at the homes of various parishioners for a time of fellowship, study, and prayer (plus snacks!). This year, various lay and ordained church leaders are joining the youth each week to discuss a specific spiritual practice: reading Scripture, singing hymns, practicing the Sabbath, developing a Rule of Life, etc. Once each month the youth have a game night or some other fun activity.
Contact Cara Hoekstra or Taylor Slusser for more information.
When older youth reach an age at which they are ready to make a mature commitment to the Christian faith and take their place as adult members of the Church, they participate in Adult Catechesis as preparation to receive the laying on of hands in the sacrament of Confirmation.
To learn more about Confirmation, please speak to one of our priests.