Children’s Catechesis
Investing in young followers of Christ

As members of the Body of Christ, children of all ages are always welcome to participate in worship at Christ Church. Sometimes they may become distracted and need to step out for a little while, but we know that Jesus welcomes children and delights to have them come to him.
At the same time, children also need to learn the faith in ways that are aimed at them in particular. Christ Church seeks to come alongside parents and cultivate faith formation during Sunday morning Catechesis, which runs from 9:30-10:30 am. We have several classes for different ages. All of them use a participatory model to help youth and children know and love Jesus more, and grow in spiritual maturity.
As members of the Body of Christ, children of all ages are always welcome to participate in worship at Christ Church. Sometimes they may become distracted and need to step out for a little while, but we know that Jesus welcomes children and delights to have them come to him.
At the same time, children also need to learn the faith in ways that are aimed at them in particular. Christ Church seeks to come alongside parents and cultivate faith formation during Sunday morning Catechesis, which runs from 9:30-10:30 am. We have several classes for different ages. All of them use a participatory model to help youth and children know and love Jesus more, and grow in spiritual maturity.

Nursery (ages 6 weeks to 2 years old)
Led by Allison Buras
During the Catechesis hour, the Nursery offers spiritual formation for our very youngest members. In addition, the nursery is also available during the first part of the 10:45 Eucharist service. Parents may drop their child off 10 minutes before the service begins and are asked to pick their child(ren) up from the nursery during the passing of the peace before the offering.
You can register your child(ren) for Children’s Catechesis and/or nursery here.
Children’s Catechesis (ages 3–9)
Children’s Atrium downstairs
Led by Brandi Guel
In this Children’s Catechesis class, we seek to create a spiritually nourishing environment for the child to come close to God and to participate more fully in the life of His Church. We utilize Bible stories, play, singing, prayer, and creativity in our children’s atrium, which is a special space prepared specifically for children to worship God. All catechesis classes will meet Sunday mornings from 9:30–10:30am.
You can register your child(ren) for Children’s Catechesis here.
Children ages 3-9 years old will be in the two atriums near the playground door, assigned between the two rooms according to age. If you feel your child would be more successful in a different room, please feel free to contact Brandi Guel.

Children’s Catechesis (ages 3–9)
Children’s Atrium downstairs
Led by Brandi Guel
In this Children’s Catechesis class, we seek to create a spiritually nourishing environment for the child to come close to God and to participate more fully in the life of His Church. We utilize Bible stories, play, singing, prayer, and creativity in our children’s atrium, which is a special space prepared specifically for children to worship God. All catechesis classes will meet Sunday mornings from 9:30–10:30am.
You can register your child(ren) for Children’s Catechesis here.
Children ages 3-9 years old will be in the two atriums near the playground door, assigned between the two rooms according to age. If you feel your child would be more successful in a different room, please feel free to contact Brandi Guel.

4th–6th Grade Catechesis
Downstairs study next to nursery
Led by Thom and Lindsay Hunter
In this class made up of “Growing Disciples,” we invite students to venture “further up and further in” on their journey of faith through exploring three pillars of the Great Tradition: the Apostle’s Creed, the Lord’s Prayer, and the Ten Commandments. This year we will ask, with the Apostles, “Lord, teach us to pray!” as we discuss the Lord’s Prayer.
Youth Bible Study (7th–12th grade)
Upstairs corner room
Led by Steve and Jean Watters
This year, our youth are studying the Gospel according to Matthew. This class incorporates basic methods that Bible translators use when they approach a text. Youth are also invited to express the text in their own words as a way of engaging with what it means. Before Bible study portion of the class, the class enjoys a time of conversation and fellowship.
(Learn more about Youth Ministry at Christ Church here.)

Youth Bible Study (7th–12th grade)
Upstairs corner room
Led by Steve and Jean Watters
This year, our youth are studying the Gospel according to Matthew. This class incorporates basic methods that Bible translators use when they approach a text. Youth are also invited to express the text in their own words as a way of engaging with what it means. Before Bible study portion of the class, the class enjoys a time of conversation and fellowship.
(Learn more about Youth Ministry at Christ Church here.)